December 28, 2001


Home again, after a drive all the way up the California coastline on Highway 1,
three days of Rudder's family's usual happy holiday chaos, and a quicker drive
back down on 101. We got some nice presents, got to join on what will probably be
one set of grandparents' last Christmas in their beautiful ocean-front house,
Rudder got his usual holiday cold, and we're looking forward to our own bed

I'm also looking forward to updating here, getting back to
the erg (scary, what?) and catching up on how everyone else spent their holidays.
(I admit to having already scrolled through She-Who-Was-Phelps's account, and
I'll probably peek in at the href="">other href="">three before I sign off tonight.) And I
like Turtleguy's greeting in my

Posted by dichroic at December 28, 2001 04:59 PM
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