Hmmm. Mistress Sinister
href="">thinks I'm smart. And
the woman (excuse me, the supervillainness) is a published author, fer gossakes,
so you know she's no slouch in the Deep Thought department herself. (Do
supervillainnesses think Deep Thoughts, or do they just create Deep Plots?
Anyway.) So I'm flattered. Funny how much easier it is to seem smart on the
internet, where you can erase your demonstrations of complete stupidity before you
send them out. Not all of them, in my case, because I can't type worth a damn, and
I don't always think coherently, but at least some.
Even more
amusing, Rudder apparently has an inflated idea of my store of knowledge -- and he
has every opportunity to know better. On the way back from climbing on Sunday, we
were listening to the Car Talk show on NPR when Click and Clack, aka Tom and Ray
Magliozzi, posed their weekly puzzler. I snapped out the answer immediately, which
involved the direction of the thread on the tire lugnuts of a 1963 Dodge Dart. The
man (Rudder, I mean) didn't even seem slightly startled that I knew that essential
tidbit. Now, it is true that I do know a vast amount of completely useless
information (I'm much weaker on useful information, and not at all good at getting
things done) but the lugnuts on a Dart? Even I have limits. He didn't even ask how
I knew, so I probably shouldn't have ruined my rep by admitting that I had heard
the answer when I caught a snippet of the show the day before. (On Sundays, my
local station plays the previous week's episode of
href="">Car Talk, while on Saturday, I had heard the
latest one, which of course gave the answer to the previous week's
But really. Tire nuts from 1963?
Current evolving plan for Thursday's menu:
deep-fried turkey
tomato and bread salad
fanned potatoes (my brother's recipe)
steamed asparagus
apple sauce (Rudder doesn't like cranberry sauce)
caramel pot-au-creme
The caramel creme is the only thing on that list I haven't already made and liked.
It looks like a minor amount of pain-in-the-ass, but not terrible, and I can make
it the day before. I think I'll also make bow ties and kasha, not for Thanksgiving
dinner, but to eat with the leftover turkey, while I'm in cooking mode. Or maybe
not, since deep-fried turkey doesn't produce gravy. Hmmm.