At some point this morning while I was on the erg, the cats decided they were
Scared, apparently, despite the fact that there was absolutely nothing unusual
going on. More precisely, one of the cats was Scared. There wasn't really enough
damage for it to be both of them. No points for figuring out which one it was,
either; one of them, the younger by about two years, is scared by almost anything
and everything, and goes around with a permanently scared-out-of-his-kitty-wits
expression. He's calmed down a little, having been with us for a decade or so now,
but he still likes me best when I'm sitting very, very still. For this reason, he
loves it when I'm on the computer and is on my lap, purring like a -- well, like a
very happy kitty -- as I'm typing this.
Anyway, I heard a crash from
downstairs, but was in the middle of my workout and couldn't stop to go look.
There wasn't much he could have knocked over that would get worse over time,
anyway. Ted came home to shower after his row, and told me the meathead cat had
knocked over a small lamp and the trashcan. When I went down to investigate, I
found that somehow, he had managed to knock over the lamp in such a way as to
break a light socket, bend a strong metal tube that held up the shade, and break a
piece from his own water dish, on the floor below the half-wall the lamp stood on.
Somehow, though, the lightbulb had managed to come out of the broken socket
unscathed. I doubt it still works, but at least there aren't shards of broken
glass in the cat food. Fortunately, I had taken out the trash last night, and
hadn't even put in a new bag, so knocking that over did no harm. Also fortunately,
the light was nice-looking, sort of deco-ish, but quite inexpensive. Actually, I
had originally gotten it at my supermarket, so later on this week, I'll see if
they have another like it.
Yes, my supermarket carries lights. In
addition to food and other usual supermarket items, it also carries housewares,
hardware, paint, flowers, small appliances, some toys and camping gear, and some
books. Also, they make keys and have a machine that will give you money for the
contents of your change jar. And there are attached video and electronics stores,
that open into the market but have their own cash registers. Yes, it's all a
little bit silly, and I rather miss having the sort of butcher and produce stores
that I think they still have out by my parents, but it is convenient. During my
three months in Massachusetts last winter, I found myself missing my own market
whenever I wanted to by anything a bit out of the usual way -- a thermometer, or a
plastic container, or some such.
Today I have several errands, if
you can refer to present-buying and library visits under that name. I plan to do
my annual sweep through REI, a basket over my arm, in search of small presents for
Rudder for Chanukah. And while I'm there, I'll probably visit the Really Big Bead
Warehouse store, as well as the other smaller bead stores I was already planning
to visit. But first, I need to pay bills, and I should go do that right now.
Forgot to add one thing: my former company has announced that they have appointed
a new executive. I use the word "executive" advisedly: if I am understanding
correctly, this new man will serve as Executive VP, CFO, corporate secretary, and
treasurer. I have never pretended to understand the workings of upper corporate
levels, but somehow this reminds me of when Calvin and Hobbes formed a club and
between the two of them, held all club offices. Hobbes even got to be First Tiger.
I wonder how long until the former company gives that title to their new
Today I am thankful for: Not having shards of
glass all over my kitchen.
Concept II Holiday Challenge:
163245 meters left to go.