Funny, I did over 8000 meters this morning and it wasn't too bad (though I'd had
to tap up my fingers, due to yesterday's blisters), but I noticed that the first
6000 were a minute and a half slower than a similar distance yesterday, even
though I was just as tired. It's always interesting to see how the body changes
from day to day; I believe in going with it, knowing that another day I will be
faster. I don't try to force it, unless for a race or other special event, where
it matters that I be fast on that given day. Probably, yesterday was faster
because I was thoroughly warmed up from rowing beforehand -- normally, when I row
first thing in the morning, I notice my split times naturally go way down after
the first two or three thousand meters. Also, the pizza and beer last night
probably didn't help -- I can tell because I'm still tasting the green peppers.
Rudder has lost some weight since upping his erg distances, not so
much for this challenge as just because he had planned to, once the race season
ended. It shows in his face, which, since he didn't have any extra weight to begin
with, is beginning to resemble a knife blade. He weighs some ridiculously low
amount now, for his height. T2 has reported weight loss also, though I suspect his
food poisoning incident may have contributed. If Rudder loses any more, I will
worry; he still has a tiny margin at the sides of his waist, so I'm not worried
yet. My face also looks a bit thinner, and I think my shoulders and forearms are
looking a little more defined, but my weight hasn't changed and I don't see much
other difference. It's possible my pot-belly which, like the poor, I have always
with me, has declined a little, but I don't want to get my hopes up until I'm
My thighs still touch when I stand up straight, but I think
that's just the way they're shaped. It's hard to tell, because I had never noticed
until a few years ago when I read an interview, with Amy Fuller (I think it was),
who was an Olympic rower and silver medalist, as well as one of the grinders on
the America3 all-female sailing crew. She was discussing the event of motherhood,
after years as a world-class athlete, and said something like, "Pregnancy was so
weird. My thighs touched when I walked for the first time since high school."
Being female, of course, I immediately stood in front of a mirror to check my own
thighs, which did, indeed, touch. Of such small things is a body image
However, I'm bowlegged. When I stand normally, my knees are a
good three inches apart. (No, I've never done much horseback riding, though I
imagine the trait would be useful there.) So, to meet at my hips, I reason, my
thighs have to slant back together. Anyway, I can look at them and see there's no
extra fat there, beyond the bit on the inner thighs no normal woman can ever
completely get rid of, so I'm not too worried about it. But this is coming from a
woman who is in fairly good shape, and who is, to boot, 34 years old, presumably
mature, and with no raving beauty or perfect figure to fear the loss of. Sheesh.
If I even find myself thinking of this crap, no wonder 17-year-olds have a rough
time in our culture.
In other news, my brother's girlfriend belongs
to a gym which does have ergs, and has offered me the use of her guest pass. So I
should be OK during my visit to Philly. I'm a little nervous about meeting her, as
I've seen too many good people take up with psychobitches (male or female) who
then proceed to ruin their lives. (Literally: one former friend is now in jail.)
But so far, I really like his girlfriend, from the phone and email contact we've
had. I think my parents drive her nuts, but they would drive me nuts too, if I
lived that close to them.
Today I am thankful that: my brother
appears to have taken up with an intelligent and cool woman who cares about him,
and who even seems to be a Good Influence.
Concept II Holiday
Challenge: 137713 meters left to go.