T2 Hatfield paid me the nicest compliment yesterday, though I'm not at all sure it
was intended in that way. We were out at a local Mexican place with him and Egret,
because that's what they do on Wednesdays and after about the first three times
they talked us into going we realized it gave us the illusion of having a social
life. As always, we were talking about rowing and as usual we were griping about
DI. T2 said, "Hey I was making fun of you yesterday," which surprised me because
as far as I can tell, he's almost never not making fun of someone, and I
couldn't see why this would be special enough to talk
Yesterday, he'd been exchanging emails with another rower, who
was the first one to let me know of a rumor that led to my finding out that DI
still hadn't turned in our regatta forms. (I won't give the other rower a nom
here, because I couldn't possibly come up with anything as cool as his real name.)
The Other Rower (TOR for short) was telling T2 he sort of regretted having gotten
anything started. T2 told him, "Yeah, you've unleashed not only the wrath of DI
but also the wrath of Dichroic. Those are formidable forces."
I mean
really, what woman doesn't want to be thought of a 'formidable force'? It sounds
On a more mundane note, I have a checkup at the
dentist this afternoon. Blahsuck, to quote
href="http://eilatan.net/journal">Natalie. Even us formidable types can't be
forces of nature all the time.