September 29, 2001

World's Hottest Race Report

Post Race Report:

The World's Hottest Regatta did not live up to its
name -- in fact, the early morning was nice and cool and the temperature during
last few races (at around 9:30) was at least bearable. Yay!

didn't win our race. Boo.

But we lost by only 5 seconds to some of
the fastest strongest local women, who said they had to work their hardest to beat
us. Yay!

The third-place boat in our race was a good 30 seconds or
more behind us. Yay!

I also got to cox a Men's 4 who rowed a good
strong race. Yay!

But they also came in second. Boo.

they only gave medals to first place winners this year. Boo, boo,

T2 Hatfield was out of town, so he and Rudder
couldn't race their double. Boo.

But Rudder ended up racing with C.,
who won Nationals a couple of years ago in the Men's Lightweight Double event.

They were more than a minute ahead of their competition. (The
whole race only lasts 3.5-4 minutes for most people.) Yay!

didn't reach Rudder's secret goal of having the fastest time for all races for the
oat, and as day. Boo.

Instead, they tied the winning Men's 8+ (that
is, their boat, with two people in it, was faster than any other boat, and was as
fast as the winning boat in the race with eight men in it.)

Afterwards, we went out en masse to Chili's, came home,
snuggled, and zonked. (Sorry, bad sentence. Only the Chili's outing was en masse.
Probably everyone there went home and bonked, but separately.)

For more insight into how addictive this sport
can be, check out the songs page at the unofficial web site of the href="">Twickenham Rowing Club. Click on the oar labeled
"Stuff" and then on "Top of the Pots".

Posted by dichroic at September 29, 2001 04:59 PM
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