I was thinking about the whole
href="http://dichroic.diaryland.com/picfixpoem.html">piranha thing last night,
and realized: this sort of thing is exactly why I will never commit suicide. Life
is way too weird to miss any of it.
This isn't the first odd rowing
incident, by any means; another was back in Texas when we had a regatta scheduled
and had to cancel it. That day, our lake had no water in it! It was part of a
bayou system, and hence tidal, but no one had ever seen it completely drained
before or since.
And of course it's not just rowing. There are too
many serendipitous moments, strange happenings, and odd coincidences. And, of
course, too many books left to read. There are the good moments too, the
unexpected emails from an old friend, or (because I'm a lucky girl) the sweet
expected moment every night when I lie down next to Rudder, with nothing more I
have to do for that day. My
href="http://dichroic.diaryland.com/picfixpoem.html">sine wave philosophy
comes into it too; there are an awful lot of troubles that can just be outlived,
and sometimes the best cure for a bad time is just to wait for a better one.
Really, though, I think it's a sort of humor, an appreciation of
irony and of the absurd, that makes the days, even during the otherwise-dull
times, so endearing. There's never any lack of stupid-politician comments, odd
coincidence, or just news of the weird in this big world and wide.