August 16, 2001

Doesn't look like Weetzie-Bat-land...

I hope you're all duly impressed that I can stay up late, like a normal person,
when I try.

The trip here was smooth; the only tiny problems were
being minorly lost for about 10 minutes and a weird volume thing on casette 2 of
my Pride and Prejudice audiobook. Not a great problem, since at that point I was
concentrating mostly on dealing with traffic, and anyhow I know the book well
enough to fill in the parts I couldn't hear.

So far, highlights have
been great Thai food, seeing a whole pod of dolphins very close in to shore,
hanging out at the kind of coffeehouse people actually hang out at, and lots and
lots of talking. Low points....none yet.

Posted by dichroic at August 16, 2001 04:59 PM
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