August 25, 2001

bougainvillea bruises

Looking at my arms and legs today, it becomes apparent that, though I may have won
the wrestling match with the bougainvillea, it was a Pyrrhic victory. Scratches,
scrapes, abrasions galore. I can just see myself now: "No, Rudder hasn't been
beating me -- it was the landscaping."

We tried to take the remains
to the dump today, but they've instituted a new policy we didn't know about. Now
you need to show not only a driver's license but also a water bill, complete with
refuse charge. Since we didn't have one with us, the guy tried to look it up but
couldn't find us. I'm sure he was misspelling our street name, but there was a
line of trucks behind us and he'd already taken 10 minutes, so we didn't want to
argue further. Guess where we get to go tomorrow morning? At least they open early
on Sundays, so we can go before it gets too hot. Or at least before it gets way
way way too hot.

Instead, we went to the nearby small airport for
breakfast, where we ran into a woman I know slightly from the job-before-last and
her husband. We had a good time talking to them about flying, land at our airpark
(they'd almost bought a house there) and travels, ours and theirs. I promised to
email them the URL for our Australia pictures, since they want to go there
someday. They were also able to give me the email address of a mutual acquaintance
who may possibly know of jobs in my field.

Tonight we may go to the
local aerobatic club's annual party. We still haven't gotten around to taking
aerobatic lessons (and now I have the time, but not the money, to start flying
again) but we've volunteered at some of their competitions and they're generally
nice to us. Besides, that way we don't have to decide what to have for dinner,
always an ordeal for the two of us.

Posted by dichroic at August 25, 2001 04:59 PM
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