August 30, 2001


Yesterday's high points included being interviewed and being drooled on, though
not at the same time. The interview went well enough that they've scheduled me for
a second one today. This company sounds like a great place to work for (though,
then again, I thought that about the last one); its major drawback is that the
commute is unpleasantly long. The fact that they work 40 hour weeks partially
makes up for that; if I can work at home some of the time, I may consider

The drool was from having lunch with a former coworker
(not a cow-orker, in this case) and the reason she quit the company. He's
about 6 months old now, a little fussy but very cute. I think he's teething, hence
the drool. I did get some big gummy smiles from him, dancing to the restaurant
background music. (Baby thoughts: "Mom, who is this weirdo in the orange shirt and
what is she doing??? She's making me nervous....better smile, sometimes that makes
them stop.")

I know they're a little young for logic to have kicked
yet, but why do babies refuse bottles or food when they're plainly hungry? It's as
if he forgets that milk comes out of the bottle, or that that squishy stuff on the
spoon tastes good. (More baby thoughts: "Hey, don't push that thing in my mouth.
My gums hurt. I don't want it there. Get that out of my face! Oh wait.....there's
milk coming out of it! Mmmmmmmm...")

I ran into some aerobatic
acquaintances at the restaurant also, one of whom offered to forward on my resume
to someone he knows who may have a position. Whether or not anything comes of it,
it was nice of him to offer. I'm still not great at the networking thing, but who

Off to the showers.

Posted by dichroic at August 30, 2001 07:14 AM
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