August 30, 2001

monochrome dreams

I don't know what's with my subconscious. I just remembered I had a dream
the other night about trying unsuccessfully to flush tampons (they kept floating).
As pathetic dreams go, that one's in the leaguer with dreaming about being at
work. Or dreaming the alarm has gone off and you've woken up, only to realize you
were dreaming a few minutes later when the alarm actually does go off. Even worse,
I once had a double-nested version of that dream: I dreamed I woke up, had the
alarm go off, woke up, realized I was dreaming, and then had the alarm go off for
real. For all I know, it was triple-nested and I'm still dreaming.

Hello, id? If I'm going to dream, I'd like some technicolor, please.
How about flying, without an airplane? Or spending a dream-month in Paris, or
Morocco, or Denali? Or even the tired classics: alone on a tropical island with
Mr. Boytoy, or of winning a lottery, or mad passionate sex with hordes of
admirers? Any of those would be a good way to spend some REM

But if I'm going to dream, I want to really dream. None
of this replay of everyday situations, petty frustrations, or niggling annoyances.
Time for my subconscious to get out the Crayolas and start doodling. Time for some

Posted by dichroic at August 30, 2001 04:59 PM
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