July 11, 2001

Not a good day, particularly

Grrr. Not having a good day so far. Practice was a bitch this morning -- well,
really, it was just hard, not bad. I didn't end the practice pissed off at
everyone in the boat with me, which is a good sign. But the workout they had us do
was brutal: 8 4-minute pieces at full pressure, increasing rate every 30

So now I'm walking like my grandmother. Okay, I'm
exaggerating. More accurately, I'm walking like my grandmother before she

Took my shower in our other building, hobbled back out to the
truck to switch my gym bag for a briefcase, and then creaked upstairs for my usual
every-other-Wednesday meeting. By the time I get there after practice and
showering, it's way too early for the meeting, but too late to justify driving to
my building, so I usually check my email and bring something to read. So, after
painfully hauling my very sore butt up those stairs, I checked my email. Only to
find the meeting has been changed to a monthly one, on the last Wednesday of every
month. Shit. Back down the stairs, creak, creak, creak, ouch, ouch, ouch, over to
my building.

Next, I checked the Yahoo mail I'm not supposed to
check at work. (Hey, I need something not too challenging to start off the day.)
There's a message there from someone at the list I moderate, saying, "Maybe I'm
being too sensitive, but I found this offensive and hurtful." Well, there
certainly are people there who are easily offended, but this woman isn't one of
them, and when I read the attached message, I found it pretty obnoxious also. It's
just an extreme example of a certain cliquish us against them thing I've been
seeing, that's been accompanied by a lot of picking on one tactless but well-
meaning frequent poster, and I'm sick of it.

I wrote a reply to the
list, condemning all of this rudeness, with the first sentence of that recent
example as a springboard. I sent it to my co-moderator and the mod of our parent
list for comment because it is so strongly worded, but if I don't hear back from
them fairly soon, I'll post it anyway.

Next issue: Will I be stood up
again for my 10:00 meeting?

Posted by dichroic at July 11, 2001 10:59 AM
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