July 17, 2001

a gym rat squeaks

I would just like to say that in the gym this morning, I lifted more than my own
weight on two separate machines (calf raises and seated leg press). Technically
three, in fact, but the third was a squat machine I hadn't used before, and when I
needed to set the weights to 30 pounds more than I use on a plain bar, I concluded
that the machine, not me, got the credit for that one. What a silly design. Unless
they do it that way on purpose, to make people happier with their accomplishments?
Still silly -- I'd rather that designers of weight machines tried to keep the
effort required to lift a given weight in line with that of free weights. Besides,
it reminds me of the change in womenÕs clothing sizes over the last fifty years,
so that a size 4 now fits someone who would have worn an 8 in 1955. Pure catering
to vanity.

Of course, even with free weights, the effort varies
depending on, say, the angle at which a leg sled is set. Anyway, I like free
weights, but don't use them exclusively because it takes so much longer to load
all the weights on than to move a little pin in a weight stack. Also, I'm so small
(I say "small" so I don't have to say "weak") that moving a large weight is a
major effort for me. For example, I can squat 90 lbs, but I use a 20, 10, and 5 lb
weight on each side, instead of 35 lb weights (the bar itself only weighs 20 lbs
because it moves on tracks and has this damping system to slow it down).

It is gratifying to see my weights increasing -- for example, on
regular squats, I started out doing 12, 10, and 8 reps with 40, 50, and 50 lbs,
respectively -- now I do 70, 80, and 90. Rudder does at least double my weights on
everything, plus an extra erg piece after lifting, though, so I can't brag too
much. I can't even claim he weighs twice what I do -- I'm heavy for my height
(how's that for euphemism? but really, most of it is muscle, I swear), and despite
the very nice (mmm....very nice) definition he's gaining, he's ridiculously light
for his (about 165 at 6'). Lucky for him, he's got good shoulders and a nice ass,
so all his clothes hang well, and he never looks scrawny. Not that I'm based or

I think I may go on "strike" as list moderator for a week
or so, though I'm not certain I'll announce it, other than to those who read this
(all the important people, that is) and my co-mod. Lately, we've been having to
step in more and more, and list behavior has just gone downhill. Perhaps non-
interference will either force people to police themselves or to appreciate what
we're trying to do more. (Since the same people who are complaining at yesterday's
interference were actively asking us to step in a few days ago, this is by no
means certain.) But we'll see.

Today, I will go get my hair cropped,
and possibly even colored. If it turns out well, I might post a photo, but my only
digital camera is a PalmPilot attachment, so don't expect much.

Posted by dichroic at July 17, 2001 04:59 PM
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