July 20, 2001

another picture and a bunch of words

Combine a new 'do and a new digital camera and what do you get? This,


Sorry if that's a little grainy; I haven't had time to play with different camera
resolutions or downloading options yet. Having arranged it in advance with
Yosemite Sam, I took both the digital and the film cameras out on the coaching
launch this morning and took pictures of practice. I may post a couple of the
digital ones, if they come out well.

YSam was pissed (in the
American sense of the word) this morning, because of a few people who came late
and ended up having to ride in the launch. He hates it when people don't show up
reliably, and small wonder. I don't think he was mad at me, since my ride-along
was prearranged, but I felt a little guilty, since if I'd volunteered to row or
cox, we could have had another boat. Still, people who show up to a practice at
5:05 (when they're supposed to show at 4:45 to have time to stretch) can't really
expect the whole crew to wait for them.

I'd had a beer last night with a bunch of fellow employees and ex-fellow employees
(more of the latter than the former), so I was glad not to be rowing anyway. I can
really tell the difference, even from just one beer.

It was good
seeing all those people, but kind of depressing hearing a few are still looking
for new jobs (and you know your company is hurting when they lay off the CEO's
sister). People keeps telling me there are lots of jobs for QA, though, so if I
ever do get laid off, I'll hope they're right. Meanwhile, the experience I'm
getting is still very good, so no motivation to job-hunt. And I *still* haven't
heard whether I passed the CQA exam I took in June. They said we'd be told in six
weeks, and that will be Saturday. I was hoping they meant it would take "up to six
weeks", but apparently not. I hope I passed, since I do NOT want to retake that
exam. (Plus, the associated raise would be nice.)

On later reflection (the dichroic type, of course), it occurs to me: it really
doesn't bother me too much that this journal is generally self-involved. After
all, it's a diary, and if you can't self-centered there, then where can you? It
does bother me, more than a bit, that what comes out of my head is so often
boring. That's just a sign of a lazy mind, that is.

Posted by dichroic at July 20, 2001 04:59 PM
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