More errata:
I changed the picture in my
href="">last entry but forgot the
change the accompanying test. As was probably obvious, those were local rowers
erging in my living room, not competitors in the CRASH-Bs.
I cut my
weight workout short today to have a fitness assessment with one of the trainers
at my gym. She tried to sell me the 10 session package, measured my body fat
(caliper method) and found it to be ok, generally, but a little higher than it
should be for me as a rower, and suggested a few exercises to add on to my routine
to strengthen my back and knees. Worth what I paid for it, I guess, since it was
free with the gym membership.
It's possible I'm deluding myself about
how much exercise I get. In theory I row 3 days a week and lift weights 2 days,
but in practice it's more usually 2 days rowing, due to
href="">piranha, lightning,
coxing, and sick days. The obvious answer is to make more effort to erg on days I
don't row. Funny how often the obvious answer is the most unpleasant
Yesterday was a most frustrating day, between not rowing and a
day spent working on formatting of a Word document. The more of that I do, the
more I hate Microsoft. The problem is that I know of no competitors that are
superior to Word -- WordPerfect is even more annoying. I'm not sure whether the
problem is really that hard to solve, or if it's just that Microsoft has
discouraged all their competition.
If today doesn't improve, I may
need to bring out the heavy-duty stress relievers. Time to blow bubbles!