I spent some time today trying the clayrhino script to import my ahives from Diaryland, again. This time I was able to get the script to run all the way through, and it seemed to work except that more than half of the dates didn't come through. They were listed as 12/31/1969. Being stupidly trustul, I spent hours, literally, correcting those dates by hand. I finally decided just now that it might be smarter to try importing a small subset of entries before going any farther. That woud have been a very good thing to try several hours ago, as it turned out; once again, Moveable Type wasn't able to read my file, even though it seemed to conform with what their Help file told me to do. It understood the boundaries of each entry, but tried to cram an entire entry in the Title field.
My next theory is that maybe the carriage returns are funny on the Mac or something. I'm going to try mailing my sample file to a PC, editing the plain text in Notepad, and importing that. Tomorrow, not today.
Posted by dichroic at June 25, 2004 09:44 PM