Dammit! It looks like I won't be able to telecommute tomorrow after all; there's a meeting I really ought to be here in person for. Somehow a day spent at home, no matter how much I get done, has much less of the oh-no-here-we-go-again factor than a day in the office. I considered just coming in for the afternoon, but that rather defeats the whole not-driving point.
I thought new knitters were supposed to drop stitches all the time. Why do I keep getting more stitches on the needle than I'm supposed to have? And is it true that crocheting goes faster but uses more yarn? I can afford more yarn if it saves me time.
Crocheting is the cable internet and knitting is a hand crank phone on a party line in terms of speed. But knitting gets a finer product in my opinion. I'm not jaundiced either, I crochet. Depends some on what you want to make. I think crocheting is more versatile because the variations in stitches are easier to master than knitting stitches. I don't think you can knit a doily, though I've heard of knitted lace. What are you making? ~LA
Posted by: LA at June 23, 2004 05:06 AMGaining stitches is also common for beginning knitters; a friend of mine set out to knit a scarf and wound up with the state of Idaho.
You *can* knit a doily; it just takes many double-pointed needles, and that's not beginner work.
Posted by: Nora at June 23, 2004 02:52 PM