The good thing about next week is that it ought to be a lot quieter, with our big event at work over and the boss out all week, and then at home with Rudder away. The bad part, of course, is that "Rudder away" part. Also, he's going to Rotterdam. Excitement for me is getting to go to another part of Phoenix.
Except that we're going to Oregon on vacation in about two weeks. And there was that little matter of Antarctica six months ago. OK, I'll stop complaining now. Good night.
Posted by dichroic at June 16, 2004 08:30 PMRotterdam! On my hit list for 'someday'. Though I can't be too envious, if Rudder's business trips are anything like my SIL's he might as well be in Dayton, Ohio for all the good he gets from traveling. No time to sightsee. ~LA (ps: I was only surprised, not competing about the books.)
Posted by: LA at June 17, 2004 04:25 AM