What a concept -- doing things on the side of town where I spend my waking weekday hours. Instead of rushing across town to drop my car off at the dealers (20,000 oil change and various-stuff checkup) and having Rudder come get me, then rushing to have him drop me off to pick it up tomorrow, I took it at lunch to a dealer 2 miles from my office. I was prepared to wait for it, courtest of Terry Pratchett and the local library, but as it turned out they have a shuttle service and were able to drop me back at work.
I sort of regret that, actually, not just for Hogfather's sake but because it turns out to be a really nice dealership with lots of new magazines, plenty of toys in their parts store (I want a miniature of my Mozzie-car) and even a customer Internet lounge. Instead I got to be doing productive work. (But I still may buy a toy car when I go back to pick mine up.)
Posted by dichroic at June 10, 2004 03:29 PM